Chalewote Street Art Festival 2017

Since 2011, Chalewote street art festival has become a norm and it is here to stay. Every year, artists across Ghana and the world meet up at Jamestown in Accra to celebrate art. This festival also serves as a platform for artists to display and sell their art. Chalewote has become a huge grounds for artist exposure and only few spots are always available because every artist jumps at the opportunity to gain exposure for their work and for themselves.
This years Chalewote was themed WATAMATA. The meaning of this according to is
WATA MATA is the end of a trilogy that began with the festival theme of African Electronics in 2015. It signifies our collective capacity to regenerate our lives into deeply imaginative and cooperative ways of being. There are specific methods of visioning, inventing and thriving that exist in the world and the artists participating in this year’s festival will share their creative strategies and interpretations on making freedom dreams, particularly within volatile and limiting places.
This initiative has gone a long way to promote our African art and culture to the world. If you get the chance to attend this festival, you will end up noticing a lot of tourist enjoying the scenes of African rich activities around them. Ghanaians also do not disappoint, as they bless the occasion by trooping in huge numbers and displaying their beautiful African clothing making the festival a very colorful one.
If you have never been to the chalewote art festival before then make your trip to Ghana, West Africa next year and come and enjoy this celebration. Next year, we will share updates about when the date of the 2018 Chalewote will be so keep your eye locked on our blog. Here are some images we got from the Chalewote Street Art Festival 2017. Enjoy and don't forget to share.

Below are also some tweets about the occasion


  1. Contact me if u know the artist that worked on the face of a woman-blue painting

  2. Contact me if u know the artist that worked on the face of a woman-blue painting


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